Tuesday, December 22, 2009

~ 舞蹈表演~ 麻坡 ~

23-11-2009 (Monday) : This is my first time where I attending outside activities without mama accompanied me. 1.30p.m. Mama fetch me and Sabrina (mama’s friend’s daughter) to the Dance Sky Studio at Batu Berendam then she went to work.

All the dancer gather at the studio and after reporting our name, all the dancer from SJK(C) Bukit Beruang were instructed to line up and goes up to the bus. There are 2 school buses to fetch us to Muar for performance.

We reached Pu Nan Primary School, Muar at about 3.30p.m., we change our costume then we have rehearsed on the stage. After rehearse, we wait for turn to make-up by appointed Make-up Artist.

I having my dinner at about 6.00p.m., there are 3 variety of food, so I chosen Chicken Rice as my dinner. After dinner, the entire dancer waited at the back stage. I play with my friends.

This dance performance are organized by United Youth Movement of Malaysia, Muar Branch – 舞蹈文化齐聚大汇演 叽叽查查VProgramme starts at 7.30p.m. with the arrival of guests, then performance of 1 Malaysia dance. Then speech by the Chairman of United Youth Movement of Malaysia then continue with opening ceremony.

Mama arrived at Muar with her friend Aunty Goh (Sabrina’s mother) at about 8.00p.m. so mama went to the backstage to look for me.

After the opening ceremony, the dance performance start. There are total of 20 dance to perform. Our Dance – 喜洋洋 no. 6 and one more dance 小蟋蟀 from our school also is no. 10.

Mama snaps a few photos for those dance and record a video clip for our dance.

We didn’t wait until all the dance performance finish. We left from PuNan school for supper then we heading back to Melaka. We reach Melaka at about 11.00p.m.

~ 美婷,(me) 纭芝, 沙琵那~

~TKS 幼儿园毕业典礼~

22-11-2009 (Sunday) : Early in the morning, mama bring Jacqueline and Daniel our cousin brother to attend Genius Mental Aritmetic National Competition 2009 @ Ping Ming Primary School.

After registration, we were given a pack of breakfast which contains currypuff, nyonya kuih & soya bean. We had our breakfast in the hall.

Competition for Level 1 start at 10.00a.m., Level 2 competitor gather outside the hall waiting to go to respective classess to start for competition.

All parent are not allowed to follow their children, so all waited at the air-cond hall. Jacqueline and Daniel came to meet mama at the hall after their competition. When saw mama, bothe smile and say.."cannot finish ooh.."...so no winning chance lol..

Then we watch for group competition on the stage and prize giving ceremony. Programme ended at 1.00p.m., so we quickly rush back home to change as we need to attend TKS concert and Graduation 2009.

This year TKS theme for their concert is "1 Malaysia" so all the students are compulsory to wear tradisional costume. They also encorage the parents to wear tradisional costume.

So mama let Jacqueline, Jeremy & Little Jayven wear their CNY cloth while mama wearing baju Kedah.

We reached Melaka Mall at 2.00p.m. and mommy helps out at the back stage. Programme start at 3.00p.m. sharp and ended at 6.00p.m.

  • 1 Malaysia Song Presentation
  • Introduction
  • Address by headmistress Ms. Sarah William
  • Medley of Songs - by Donald Class Students
  • Indian Dance - Allegra
  • 1 Malaysia Fashion Contest09- Part 1
  • Let's Twist Again - The Junior Rockers
  • 1 Malaysia Fashion Contest09 - Part 2
  • Malay Dance - Joget Pahang
  • Chinese Dance - Super Star
  • 1 Malaysia Fashion Contest09 - Part 3
  • Hindi Dance - Dhoom

  • ~ 在学校的最后一天~

    20-11-2009 (Friday) : Today is the last day of school, then the long school holiday will start...

    Jacqueline's school has started to distribute to them their next year test book for them to do some revision during school holiday and an early preparation before school re-open. Then on 27/11 and 28/11 will be the day for them to purchase books, uniform, school bag, stationery etc at school.

    Today Jacqueline bring back her class photo and also the Dance Club photo.

    Jacqueline also inform mama that Class Teacher has annouced their next classes arrangement earlier compare to last year. Next year, Jacqueline is going to 3S, so mama hopes that Jacqueline will be more hardworking on her study..

    Jeremy the little boy finish his four years old class also today, and he bring back all his book and artwork to show mama. He is so excited that he got alot of books to bring back then Jeremy told mama that he has got alot of homework to do during school holiday....cute little boy..

    ~here are some of his artwork~

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    ~ 毕业典礼及休业式 ~

    18-11-2009 (Wednesday) : Every year Jacqueline's primary school will celebrate Graduation Day for all the Standard 6 Students.

    This as usual the same.. and this year JAcqueline has joined the Dancing Club begining of the year, so their have to perform during the concert. There are 2 groups dancing - JAcqueline's group dance 喜洋洋 and 2nd group dance 小蟋蟀

    This year mama didn't take leave, so early in the morning go and attend until 9.00a.m. and at the ceremony giving out of Graduation Cert to all the standard 6 students and their photo session, mama leave the school to work. Jacqueline's dancing performance will be after their lunch break.

    So after lunch break, JAcqueline give mama a call..hehehe..so many snake out awhile to her school again to see her dancing... like cartoon hoh..

    So mama manage to snap some photos and record a short clip of her dancing..

    After she finish dancing, mama rushed back to office, so missed out some of the students great performance on the stage.

    ~ 会见“猫地”妈咪和庆生日 ~

    15-11-2009 (Sunday) : Today mama bring 3 of us to meet up with Aunty Shirley, Kai Xuan, Kai Xiang, Aunty Joan, Xue Wen, Xue Er & Aunty Jaime & Euzac at Dataran Pahlawan McDonald.

    Our meeting is 11.00 in the morning but we wake up late, so mama kelam-kabut.. hahaha...

    We reached there about 11.30a.m. then meet up with the our multiply friends.. Mama having a great chat with Aunty Joan, Aunty Shirley & Aunty Jaime.. we all the kids having fun and playing at the playground..

    Mama waited will 12.00noon then only buy us the meal.. hehehe coz after 12.00noon got lunch meal which is cheaper.

    Mama almost forgot to snap photos until Aunty Jaime wants to make a move then Aunty Shirley reminded...So quickly everyone take out the camera and snap photos.. hahaha... our photos almost the same only.

    At night, grandma cooked some delicious food and we celebrate Qin Shi cousin 7 years old birthday at home.

    Wishing Qin Shi Happy Birthday!!!!!!

    ~ 考试成绩 ~

    Jacqueline's final exam finally is finished and the result is out too...

    Mama also can release her tension already.. Mama feel more tension than Jacqueline during her exam week.

    Each time her test or exam period, mama will make sure that she do revision and remind her on those silly mistake that she always made but each time when the result is out.. mama will get angry when saw her test paper..

    Mama really don't understand why she keep making all the silly mistake like fill in the blank with the words given but she will write less word, is just write back the same word and yet she still making mistake. If not, she will forget to put answer...

    Mama is wondering how to teach her and let her make sure that when answering question, she will write and follow back each answer given, do not left out any alphabet?????

    Here is her Second smester Result.

    Subject \ Test 2nd Semester
    July'09 Sept'09 Oct'09
    Test Test Final year exam

    BahasaMalaysia (1) 91 76 80
    Bahasa Malaysia (2) 60 76 69
    Bahasa Inggeris 96 82 89
    Bahasa Cina (1) 90 89 86
    Bahasa Cina (2) 94
    Maths (BC) 93 87 90
    Maths (BI) 92
    Science (BC) 90 94 86
    Science (BI) 84
    Moral 99
    Computer 87
    TOTAL 520 504 869
    No. in Class 3 10 7

    Jacqueline is so happy that she received her library ID card, starting Standard 3, they are allow to borrow book or story book from the school library.

    Jacqueline say all her friend is prasing her photo very nice but she say she don't feel so...

    ~ 欢送和小礼物 ~

    23-10-2009 (Friday) : At night mama having dinner with colleague Joan and a few KKL colleagues - Yong, Eileen, Ms. Wee and Leow at Sibaraku, a farewell to Ms. Leow...Wishing her all the best in future...

    After the buffet dinner at Sibaraku, mama and colleagues went to World of Cartoon. At there, mama bought a Red-dog bag for little Jayven..

    At first Little Jayven so curios and wonder why his patrick dog was stick on the bag, and he keep trying to take out the dog, but fail to do so..hahaha.. So Jacqueline jiejie bring his patrick dog and show it to him...

    Mama earlier bought the McQueen's Car Pillow for Jeremy and received same from the online Supplier.. Jeremy was so happy when he saw this pillow. Before mama read to him the story, he start telling mama the story page by page...

    ~ Deppa Raya 庆典 ~

    23-10-2009 (Friday) : Yesterday Jeremy's teacher just inform to let Jeremy wear chinese tradisional costume as they are having Deppa Raya Celebration.. so mama quickly search for Qin Yi's old CNY cloth... luckily can find it.

    Mama let Jeremy wear it and Qin Yi also wear her gorgor QIn Shi old CNY cloth.. Jeremy so excited and wear a hat with the costume and goes to kindy.

    Mama spend a little bit of time at kindy to snap photos for Jeremy and Qin Yi with their friends wearing traditional costume before going to office.

    ~Donald Class~

    ~Garfield Class~

    ~ 我家的三个宝贝 ~

    Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker