Saturday, July 31, 2010

~ 伟杰大侄儿的大喜日 ~

28-7-2010 (星期三)是大侄儿的大喜之日。



月考刚完,应该也没什么的啦, 一天而已。









Friday, July 30, 2010

~ Mimi ~ 永远在怀念中 ~





Mimi是我老板的侄女, 认识她也有一段很长的时间了。。




现在,她昏迷已经三天, 医生终于宣布她脑死。。

28-7-2010 她走了。。到另一个地方去。。


Mimi, 一路走好,安息!

Monday, July 26, 2010

~ 彦~在幼儿园~

已经大约一个月了, 彦到幼儿园上课。





向院长Ms. Law 了解,彦在幼儿园的情形



彦就会拿起他的书包和水壶,跟随Ms. Law换到另一班去上课。

如果Ms. Law坚持把彦留下在小班,彦会哭泣不停,

没有老师可以说服他保持平静,除了Ms Law。。。看这个超级坏蛋的小男孩。

起初,彦还不明白:“Thank You Class”,所以只在老师离开时哭泣。

现在他明白"Thank You Class" 的意思,

所以一旦Ms Law说声"Thank you Class",


并和院长Ms Law一起离开课室..* 昏!



24/6/2010 - say "Good Morning" to teacher;
25/6/2010 - able to follow on "握紧拳头" song and say Good Morning to Teacher
28/6/2010 - sing 10 Little Indian boys
7/7/2010 - demostrated to roll on the floow when there is fire, conducted by Bomba follow instruction
15/7/2010 - able to say A - Z
26/7/2010 - know how to count 1 - 10

每次, 如果一有盖章, 彦就会拿给妈妈看。

最近, 每当我回到家时, 彦就会跑出来告诉我 "妈妈, 我今天在学校没有哭”
彦答 “我就哭咯,我就跟住老师"

~ 我的侄女~咏秦结婚~

咏秦16-7-2010, 碧霞31-7-2010。

16-7-2010, 是咏秦的大喜之日,
晚宴开始, 由米奇和米尼唱“Nobody Nobody But You”

新娘子好漂亮哦。。。我们祝贺她俩“新婚快乐, 永喻爱河”


Thursday, July 22, 2010


日期:14-7-2010 - 17-7-2010
Astro 一些工作人员,租了Jonker Boutique Hotel 的两间房,认识了Darren & Max, 他们负责安排台前幕后的工作,为了准备星期六的Astro经典歌唱八强的宣传活动, 另外旅店的停车场一部份也让他们搭上帐篷。
旅店就在舞台旁,所以可以看见他们所有的安排, 好隆重和盛大。



晚上,带了小孩们去凑热闹看表演。由于人潮拥挤,最后,大家就坐在旅店的大厅里,芝忙着玩电脑,炫边喝100plus边看Tom & Jerry卡通片,彦专心的观看多拉A 梦。。。外婆看报纸,阿姨在吃咖喱鱼圆。

下班前, Darren 拿了一袋Astro 的纸袋交给我, 里面是一些纪念品。。雨伞,书本,锁匙签,笔和小包包。。。谢谢了!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~ 填色~

日期 :11-7-2010 (星期日)


地点 :MITC礼堂,Ayer Keroh, Melaka

芝,在学校报名参加了SMK Teknik举办的 填色比赛。





我们听说Upin和Ipin会登场, 所以就等等。。终于等到了。。


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


7-7-2010 (星期三)是马六甲世界遗产城第二周年。
有关当局举办了一些节目来庆祝这具有纪念性的日子,与民俗骑脚踏车,穿上大衣和使用纸张伞 从这一站到另一站,仿佛回到1824年。
第四站是鸡场街, 当闻人到达时,大家以舞狮和热烈的掌声来欢迎。。然后, 就是观赏大戏的时候。。 大戏表演完毕,大家就赶紧与演员照相。。我和Amy当然也不放过。

~ 圣心女中~第105周年~慈善晚宴~

3-7-2010 (星期六) 我参加了圣心女中举办的第105周年~慈善晚宴。

这次是我第二次参加,记得我第一参加时,于1996年毕业的也只有我和Amy, 可是今年反映还不错哦。。 1996 的还有一桌。


我,Amy和Lilian 当然也不放过和我们敬爱的老师打个招呼。。我们离开学校也有14年,很多的老师也已经退休了。。

Sunday, July 18, 2010

~ 我学会唱歌~

~ Are You Sleeping ~

~ ABC ~

~ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star~

Friday, July 16, 2010

~ 哥哥和弟弟 ~ 小厨师 ~


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

~ 家长日~

1-7-2010 (星期四) 原本计划和一班朋友到云顶去,可是前两天收到学校派的通知书~家长日。女儿还特地交代一定要去哦!爸爸不在,就是妈妈的责任咯。。


一年一度的家长日和往年一样,没有什么特别, 我去了学校拿了成绩册,向3J班的级任老师~刘碗妤老师了解Jacqueline在学校的行为,学业等。还好,老师的评语是称赞没有批评。。这六个月里, Jacqueline 胜任的副班长职位,她都办的很好。。成绩也有进步了比起第一学期的成绩,可是国文要多加练习!我听了也感到欣慰和骄傲。。


Bahasa Malaysia (1) 78
Bahasa Malaysia (2) 86
Bahasa Inggeris 84
Bahasa Cina (1) 88
Bahasa Cina (2) 91
Maths (BC) 87
Maths (BI) 91
Science (BC) 90
Science (BI) 90
Moral 96
Computer 81


今天下午,Jacqueline 也拿了Yahama电子琴考试Electrone Level 12 的文凭。

Sunday, July 11, 2010

~ 庆祝生日~

29-6-2010 (星期二)是我的好友兼同事Amy的生日

原本想在下午为她庆祝可是由于当天我必须往外跑所以庆祝的时间拖延直晚上。。准备了她最爱的Blueberry Cheese Cake...和一些还没回家的同事Khay, Moe & Zul一起庆祝。。


~ 特别任务~

至3月份以来, 老板把我转移到酒店路线,对我来说是新的环境。



我大部分时间都还在学习新的东西,最近有为客人预订了酒店房间准备给女友一个大惊喜为他庆祝生日和向女友求婚,所以需要酒店帮他订购一些东西, 例如:玫瑰花和蛋糕。除此之外,还要利用玫瑰花瓣来布置房间。。 好浪漫噢。。这可说是我在酒店的第一个特别的任务。。

事先电邮客人确定所有需要的东西和物品的价格, 然后就下定。



~ Jayven 上学了 ~

15-6-2010至18-6-2010,我带了Jayven到幼教中心~3Q 进行登记。




21-6-2010(星期一)开学的第一天,8.10早上, Jayven就到3Q幼儿中心在Bukit Beruang.


接着,他知道我要离开他那里,他开始哭了。老师就想办法安抚他, 我就上班去。







然后, 他就去睡午觉, 外婆就乘他睡了把运动服拿去洗。




外婆好生气, 无论怎样劝说他不要哭但他拒绝停下来,所以外婆就拿了鞭子教训了Jayven, 他才肯停止哭泣...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

~ Little Jayven ~ Holiday in KL ~

Past School Holiday (Mid-Smester Holiday), 舅舅 bring little Jayven to KL for 1 week. At first mama thought that little Jayven might refuse, but who knows that he also intend to follow.

Since it is a school holiday, so mama just let him follow 舅舅 go back KL. 1st time leaving mama for such a long time, don't know he can or not? Mama packed all his belonging, milk, shirt, pants, pillow, baby doll & patrick dog...He follow 舅舅 go KL happily. Reach KL, mama asked 舅舅did he mention about his mama ? The answer is "NO"

During day time from Monday to Friday, little Jayven follows little Chevie go to nursery ~ Discovery Kids Centre @ Kepong. 舅母bring 2 of them to the nursery. Little Jayven didn't cry, he play, read, watch cartoon and makes new friends at the kindy. It is a good chance for little Jayven to expose to the kindy life coz after the school holiday mama intend to put him in kindy.

During little Jayven stayed at KL, 舅舅&舅母help to snap some photos and uploaded in facebook and tagged mama on same. So everyday mama can see his activities. He is enjoying his stay in KL, going to nursery in the morning, in the evening go shopping, visit places of interest, eat ice-cream, eat steamboat, go playground, etc.. Sometimes at night mama chat with 舅舅 and intend to chat with little Jayven, he is so busy playing...hahaha never bother about mama.

On Saturday (12-6-2010) we go to KL to fetch little Jayven. Then we have dinner at Damansara Steamboat and at the same time just celebrate Father's Day for grandpa.

~ 柬埔寨之旅 ~

23-5-2010 to 26-5-2010 – my vacation with my best friends ~ Amy, Lilian, Siau Yen & Pui Ching. 5 of us travel to Cambodia.

Since so many years we have been together, normally just a gathering in town when everyone is around… Each time we try to plan but not successful…but last year finally we make it! During the Airasia 0 fare, we arranged to book our tickets to Cambodia…..finally….booked!

All of us are so excited that we can travel together ~ ladies group, leave everything behind….no family, no housework, no work, no tension…just enjoy our travelling without any worry!!!

The day we waited finally comes….23-5-2010 (Sunday) is the unforgettable day for me. We meet up at LCCT 12.30p.m. as our flight schedule is 2.55p.m. Our first destination is Phnom Penh. Once we reach Cambodia, our tour guide Mr. Sam and driver already waited and welcome us at the airport.

We check in at Princess Hotel (3 hotel) then heading to Wat Phom Pagoda. Phnom Penh Historical City & Temple-entrance fee – USD2, at night we had our dinner at DaDa Seafood Restaurant with one of my company’s rubber supplier – Mr. Chea Vong. After the dinner, Mr. Chea Vong brings us around the city and visited Nagaworld – we take a look in Nagaworld ~ City of entertainment, singing, Casino, lounge etc.

After that we took a Tuk-tuk ride to Reverstreet Restaurant for some drinking. Surprisingly their beer (Angkor Premium Beer) only cost USD0-60, so cheap compare to our Malaysia’s beer. We think the taste is about the same as carlsberg (for us non-expert to taste..hehehe). After our drinking, we take tuk-tuk back and the friendly and kind driver bring us for sight-seeing and stop us at the independent monument and pass by the Royal Palace etc.

2nd day 24-5-2010 (Monday) after our breakfast, we are leaving Phnom Penh and heading to Siem Reap by Mekong Express Limousine Bus – bus fare – USD12 (including a bottle of mineral water, muffin and bread). The journey takes about 5-6 hours to reach Siem Reap but in between, we stop at Kampong Thom for a 30 minutes rest. At Kampong Thom we saw some stall selling fried criket with chillie. But none of us dare to give a try…

By 1.30p.m. we reach Siem Reap, our Tour guide Mr. Bun and driver already at the station waiting for us. We had our lunch first then only we check in into Angkor Home Hotel (4 star hotel). This is a newly open hotel. We were welcome by Ms. Ngim from Amazing Angkor Tour travel agent. Each of us is given a scarf from Amazing Angkor Tour as a souvenir then

a glass of campaign (to refresh us as well as reduce our heat). The outside weather is very very hot – 40 - 45 degree…

After our rest for 30 minutes, we visit to Floating village but unfortunately, due to dry season and construction work at the end road, we are unable to take the boat ride. So we just stop at the few villages along the road side. After that we visited old market. At there, we start our shopping…buying souvenirs etc. We bargain with the seller as we purchase in a group. I bought some scarf, alibaba pants, elephant key chain, small pouch and some shirt.

At about 6.00p.m., we go to The One Massage for a body massage for one hour before our dinner. We are having our buffet dinner at Amazon Hotel with cultural show performance. After the dinner, is free and easy. We decided to go to Borei Angkor Resort & Spa for live music but when we arrive there only we get information that the live band was off on Monday Nevermind, we walk around the 5 star hotel an snap some photos before we go to Pub Street.

At Pub Street, we can see a lot of foreigner. Everyone is enjoying drinking the Angkor Premium Beer. At Siem Reap it cost only USD0.50 only. There are a lot of children along the Pub Street asking for money, they look sympathy but no one give them money as understand from the tour guide, if we give either one of them, then the other children will gather around you to ask for money too. So the tour guide advise us to give tibits or sweet is good enough already.

We spend about 2 hours there then we back to hotel. I go online chatting with my 3 darlings at home first, missed them so much..hopes that they missed me too..hahaha but understand from grandma, no one mention to grandma about their mama..kakaka… then a group of ladies, sit in the room chatting till midnight.

3rd day (25-5-2010 Tuesday) – after our breakfast, we went to Angkor Wat. Entrance fee – USD20 for day trip. We were given a name tag before entering the places of interest. We were advised by the tour guide one day earlier to wear pant up to knee and those who wear singlet have to wear scarf or jacket when entering the temple. If not, we are not allowed to enter.

At Angkor Wat…we snap a lot of photos… for me I really didn’t concentrate on the history explanation by the tour guide. I am busy taking photo everywhere..the place is very big, we spent about 2 hours at Angkor Wat. After Angkor Wat, we visit to Angkor Thom, Bayon, South Gate, Prasat Suor Prat, Leper King Terrace an Terrace of the Elephant. Then we went for lunch at the local restaurant at Angkor Thom.

After that we continue our visit to Ta Prohm. We don't have enough time to visit all the places in Angkor Thom. Those that we visited are the famous among all. After that we went to the Crystal Shop. At there, we see how people locate crystal and the making of crystal. Other than crystal shop, we also went to Souvenir shop.

We back to hotel at about 3p.m. to take a shower and check out then we bid goodbye to Siem Reap. We taking Vietnam Airlines to go back to Phnom Penh.

Reached Phnom Penh at about 7.30p.m. then we take our dinner at 123 Restaurant. This is the best restaurant, I likes the food very much, is like our home cook food. We enjoyed the meal very much. After our dinner, we just take a ride around the city and I bought a monkey soft toy for little Jayven. At night, I went online with Jac, Jeremy and Jayven for a while. Then all ladies have a group chat again till late mid-night.

Day 4 – 26-5-2010 (Wednesday), we first go to Royal Palace & Silver Pagoda. Entrance fee – USD6.25, No photography is allowed inside the Silver Pagoda as well as some of the Palace buildings.

We been advised to dress appropriately (no bare legs or shoulders), but can rent sarongs and oversized T-shirts for a token 1000 riel (plus US$1 deposit) at the palace entrance. So to save money, we just bring a jacket to wear when entering the Royal Palace.

The palace ground comprises a complex of buildings consists including the magnificent Throne Hall, where coronations and official ceremonies take place, the Silver Pagoda (the Pagoda's floor is covered with over 5000 silver tiles). We walk around the palace and snap photos. It takes about 2 hours for us to visit all the building except the Khemarin Palace compound where the King resides.

We then went to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum or S-21 which was a school converted into Cambodia's most important prison in 1975. More than 15,000 people were put in detention and tortured here before being killed at the Killing Fields south of Phnom Penh. Tragically, only eight prisoners survived and one of them was a woman. At present, the building houses exhibits, paintings and many disturbing photographs. At here we can see the crude cells built in the classrooms and the torture devices used to extract confessions. The infamous "skull map" has been dismantled, although there are still skulls on display in cabinets.

At last only myself and Amy finished it as the others of them feel horrible, so they waited for us outside the museum…Due to short of time, so we can’t make it to visit the Killing Field. So we just straight away go to the Russian market for our last minute purchase.

The Russian Market carries a wide variety of items such as drinks, snacks and cooked food, traditional carvings and handicraft, gems, hand-woven Chinese and Cambodian silk, antique furniture, music, DVD and CDs, silverware, books and maps, backpacks, handbags, shoes and clothing. So I bought some scarf, table mat and dress from Russian Market. We just have 1 hour 30minutes to shop before we go for our buffet lunch at the nearest restaurant.

After our lunch, we back to hotel to pack our things and check out. Then we heading to the airport. Our flight at 4.35p.m. (Cambodia time), we reached Malaysia at 7.30p.m. Jacqueline & Jayven follow my dad to come and fetch me and my friends at airport.

I enjoyed so much with my friends travelling to Cambodia. I hope that we will have another trip in future…

~ 我家的三个宝贝 ~

Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday PicLilypie Kids birthday Ticker