25-1-2010 (Monday) : Today early morning Little Jayven suddenly awake twice and cry out loud and none stop for his pacifier "我的嘴嘴呢?.... 呜。。呜。。呜"
Grandma and mama was shocked as he never cry for not getting his pacifier .. just only once a while he will ask where is his pacifier. Then after telling him that his pacifier was taken away by ghost or carpenter uncle
, then he just say ok lol..
Hahaha... so don't know why this morning he cry for it...Grandpa say properly he "hambin (in hokkien)". So mama give him his baby doll, dog dog and pillow, all he throw away.. Carry him and comfort him also he don't want
... until no choice mama told him.. "你再哭啦,monkey 听到料要来抓jayven料,惨料咯。。妈妈不懂哦。。妈妈要睡觉料咯."
Then suddenly he keep quite and continue sleep..
Since still early 4.30a.m., grandpa, grandma and mama continue sleep.. hahaha... over slept till 7.10a.m. until Daniel our cousin called up only mama wake up......So kalam kabut, and quickly ask Jacqueline to wake up to bath and change to school.. Jacqueline nagging mama all the way to school
Luckily manage to reach school on time before the assembly start...
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